RETROFITTING BUILDINGS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY : Financing and benchmarking your retrofitting techniques and investment

11 January 2012, Comments 0

1 March 2012, Putra World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur


The government has raised electricity tariff by 7.12% starting June 2011 as part of its ongoing subsidy rationalisation exercise plus 1% as Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) for RE Fund will be imposed on consumers’ monthly bill (excluding Domestic consumers with monthly consumption of 300kWh and below) effective 1st December 2011.

More than one-third of worldwide energy is consumed in buildings, accounting for more than 15 percent of global carbon emissions. In large cities, building energy use can account for up to 80 percent of carbon emissions. Most of the buildings that will be around in the future have already been built and are affecting our environment. And while many of these buildings were not designed for energy efficiency, a typical building can realize significant energy savings by retrofitting with up-to-date technologies and systems and optimizing operations. Reducing building energy use has a significant environmental and economic impact, greatly reducing both carbon emissions and operational costs. Building retrofit projects also benefit local economies by creating jobs.

As the economy moves towards dip recession, building and industry owners have to seek ways to cut costs, retain tenants, increase market performance and gain competitive advantage. An energy-efficient retrofit can achieve these objectives by turning business-as-usual operations into profit centers.

Existing buildings are full of energy efficiency opportunities waiting to be realized. While some savings are obvious and easy to reach via one-off upgrades of windows, lighting and appliances, by using an integrated, whole-buildings design approach, profoundly larger energy savings can often be gained at little or no added capital cost.
Source Clintonfoundation/ climate Initiative

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